Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Christmas Spirit

I mentioned in a previous post how I really felt like getting into the holiday spirit. Now I've realized that I lost that feeling. Maybe it's because I'm so caught up in writing papers and finishing projects, but I haven't even listened to Christmas music recently. I've only heard a few songs while I'm in the coffee shop. This is a definite change for me; usually I'm listening to Christmas music from the beginning of November and continue straight through New Year's. I haven't even put in a Christmas cd this year so far. I'm hoping that my Christmas spirit will regain its usual steam after all of my exams are over. Hopefully decorating my room and baking cookies will help get me in the mood. I kind of miss all of my Christmas music, but I honestly have no desire to listen to it. I much prefer my normal music right now. It's just plain weird and has been making me wonder.

Crunch Time

Well this is almost the end. Thankfully my insanely crazy crunch time will be over with in four days. Sadly, I have a bunch to do before then, but at least I know that I can relax soon enough. I'm not quite sure why but my exams don't really frighten me all that much. All of my friends at other schools across the country are completely freaking out about their exams. I know that they count for a significant portion of your grade, but I really don't think that I'll need to do all that much studying to prepare for them. I've paid attention during the semester so it shouldn't take me long at all to review notes and such. My biggest concern has been all of these massive papers that are due this coming Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully, my concern hasn't been misplaced. I don't want to all of a sudden realize that I'm not ready for my coming exams. Oh well, I'll just have to see how the rest of this week goes. At least I can chill out on Tuesday while the majority of my friends are going insane with all of the studying they have to do.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Coming to a Close

This semester is finally coming to a close and what a semester it has been! I didn't realize until this morning that I only have about eight more days of classes before exams begin. That really blew my mind. Seeing how few days we have left has really given me the motivation to finish all of these big papers and assignments that I have left. It may be crazy right now but at least I know that in two weeks I'll be done. Then I can truly relax and enjoy my winter break. It will be the first time that I have off without any sort of homework. Not that I ever did my homework in the past until the last day of break, but this year there won't be any voice in the back of my head tormenting me about all of the work I'm putting off.

On a somewhat different note, lately I've felt like really getting into the holiday spirit this year and I'm not quite sure why. Recently, family seems to be a lot more important to me than it ever has been before. That doesn't make much sense since I'm still living at home. Maybe it's because I don't really see my parents as much anymore. Or possibly because I know that I'll be moving out in another year or so. I don't know but I don't plan on ignoring this new feeling in the coming months. I'll try to embrace my family this holiday season.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Time for Family

Thanksgiving is almost here. It's coming much too quickly if you ask me. I honestly cannot believe that the semester is truly coming to a close in the next few weeks. It really blows my mind. Even though the majority of my Thanksgiving break will be spent working on papers and presentations, however irritating that may be, I will also be spending a lot of time with family. Although many people seem to complain about their families and how they hate being forced to spend time with them around the holidays, I actually like being with my family. I don't hate them. I never have. They might annoy me at times, but they're still family and I think people need to remember that. I'm definitely looking forward to all of the delicious food in the next week, but I'm also excited about spending some quality time with people in my family who I haven't seen in months. These times during the holidays should be treasured because they truly are precious. We always get so caught up in the material things that we forget how important the people around us are.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Loss of Community?

This morning when I was driving to Carroll I passed my neighbor and we waved to each other. That got me thinking. I realized that in our neighborhood each house is like its own individual island. No one really talks to their neighbors all that often, let alone actually invites them to a party or something. I think American communities have come to a really sad situation. I know that not all neighborhoods are that way; some still have block parties and get togethers quite often. But in my neck of the woods, we all seem so isolated. I think that's what the internet has done to us. We get so caught up in our own lives and in news from faraway places that we don't even speak to the people who live right next to us. I mourn the loss of community that everyone used to share. Maybe someday we will abandon this isolation but I doubt it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Little Sister

For my spanish class we're all required to do some sort of community service within the hispanic community. Our teacher allows us to work with the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program at one of the local elementary schools to fulfill this requirement. When I first heard that we had to do this I wasn't very happy but then I met my little sister for the first time yesterday. Her name is Paula and she's in the third grade. She's so adorable! We're only required to do one hour per week but I decided to stay until Paula's parents picked her up for trick or treat. The time flew by! Now I can't wait till next Wednesday afternoon.

My teacher and the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Site Coordinator kept insisting that the time we spend with our little will be the highlight of not only their week but our week as well. I originally thought they were just saying that to get us to join but now I know it's totally true. I have a feeling I'll be keeping my little at least until I leave college and possibly even after that. They only ask us to stay for at least a year but I don't think I'll be stopping anytime soon. It's an amazing feeling when you know that you're impacting the life of another person. Fulfillment can't get any better than that!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Balancing Act Update

I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a weekly blog somewhere so I'm doing another one today to make up for it. So, earlier this semester I wrote a blog entitled "The College Balancing Act;" in it I wrote about trying to balance my workload and different jobs among other things. I'm returning to that topic today and giving an update on my progress. I'd like to commend myself so far. No mental breakdowns yet! Just kidding. Anyways, I now have the Kohl's job situation under control; no more working there every single weekend. The history department job and my possible Site Monitor position for Big Brothers, Big Sisters are quite manageable. They don't require too much time so I don't feel so bogged down. When it comes to actual academics, I think I'm handling it fairly well. This is by far my toughest class so that's a relief. Life is still a balancing act though. At times I'm completely overwhelmed (see previous blog) but I think I'll be able to make it through the rest of the semester without crashing. Only seven or eight weeks left to go. Let's hope that my optimism isn't in vain during the remaining weeks and it doesn't get pummeled anytime soon!