Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Mid-Term Realization

Since I've been told by every teacher that it's mid-term time, I came to realize that the semester is pretty much half over. I don't know where in the world the time went. It feels as if the semester just started a week ago or something. They weren't lying when they said that it would be over before you know it. Today it dawned on me, I have a ton of work to do before the semester is over. Almost all of my classes have some sort of long paper due on the last day of class. That's only about 2 months away!!! I really really need to get started so I'm not freaking out at the end of November. I thought that this long Fall Break would be my time to relax but it looks like that's going to change a bit. Don't get me wrong, I won't be working the whole weekend. That would be absolutely crazy. I just need to motivate myself to get in gear within the next few days. That will probably be easier said than done. Whenever I'm not in class or on campus (since I commute) I seem to lose all of my motivation. It's so hard to persuade myself to accomplish anything. Well this weekend I think all I'll have to do is look at a calendar to remind myself how little time I have left. Hopefully that will push me to actually do some homework!

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