Thursday, October 18, 2007


So I feel as if a ton of bricks just hit me going about 50 miles an hour. I was all refreshed this morning and ready to go. I figure that I relaxed over Fall Break and now I'm ready to hit the books as they say. Well my optimism didn't last all that long. First I realized that our rough draft is due next Tuesday. That was blow number 1. Then I find out that our Spanish workbook may or may not be due tomorrow; plus our composition is due monday along with our midterm. There's another hard hit. After absorbing all of the assignments I have to do tonight and this weekend, I feel as if I just want to pass out and never wake up again. The worst part of all this is that I still have two more classes to go today. Who knows how much more will be added on to my already huge workload. Yahoo for this weekend!! I will officially have no life whatsoever. I'll be stuck in my room with books and papers stacked around me in towering piles. Let's just hope that next week I'll be able to fare better. If only I hadn't been so optimistic this morning. I don't think I'd feel so let down right now. Oh well, that's college for you. I hope the rest of you aren't so bogged down!

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